
FediEmbedi is a wordpress plugin to display your social media activities from different Fediverse services: 


Example shortcode for mastodon

[mastodon exclude_replies="true" limit=5 pinned="true"]

If you can’t tell the difference between Weird Al art and Weird AI art I implore you to tell your app/website developer to use a less shit font

Like, there are literally over a hundred fonts now

Does your town have a local forum or group? Some of these spaces are really useful, and surprisingly healthy and fun! Others are not. But we see the seeds for potential greatness.

New_ Public Co-Director @elipariser (MoveOn, UpWorthy, The Filter Bubble) on why we’re getting serious about these local digital spaces:


🏘️ 🌐 Your town’s online group matters more than you think

New_ Public Co-Director, Eli Pariser, on our new Local Lab


Other options, here are the defaults:

'only_media' => false,
'pinned' => false, //only display pinned status
'exclude_replies' => false,
'max_id' => null,
'since_id' => null,
'min_id' => null,
'limit' => 5, //mastodon limit is 20
'exclude_reblogs' => false,
'show_header' => true,

Any of these can be overridden in the shortcode, for example:

[mastodon exclude_reblogs="true" exclude_replies="false", limit="20", show_header="false"]