Category: WordPress ActivityPub

  • Article working group

    A callout proposing a working group to improve `Article` interop in Mastodon, and across fediverse servers & apps

  • Signature Verification in WordPress

    Without signature verification, sites using the plugin are wide open to impersonation attacks.

  • http signatures update

    Confirming that the Fix for required digest headers in mastodon now works

  • Add support for latest HTTP Signatures spec draft

    In response to feedback from the httpwg regarding their http signatures spec draft Mastodon 3.2.1, now requires a Digest header in their POST requests. Here is a Pull request for the wordpress plugin

  • FediTest

    Just another attempt at federating posts. It works! Though as suspected, only on mastodon 3.2.0 (will add PR for digest headers)

  • activitypub

    Really excited with the WordPress ActivityPub plugin! Back in june I started a Pull Request to add Private Messages to the plugin. As I was hacking at it, I realized that Comments were only being received, and that federated replies to the fediverse had yet to be implemented! So, for reasons, I decided to push…